Repair a Bad Hair Transplant


Repair a Bad Hair Transplant.

A hair transplant is a surgery – it’s as simple as that. Yes, it’s cosmetic surgery, and will never be life-threatening, but it’s still surgery. Many things can go wrong, and sometimes they do.

Repair a Bad Hair Transplant

The reason for hair transplant success or failure usually depends upon the skill of the doctor. One of the most common mistakes transplant surgeons make is to perform the procedure on a patient who is still losing their hair. Another is using outdated methods of hair grafting and transplantation that can reduce the odds of success. Patients are the ones who suffer from these mistakes; they could be left with a scalp covered with small tufts of grafted hair, or see serious scarring in the donor area.

Most of the hair transplant damage comes from one or all of these sources:

  • Strip incision transplant scars on the back, and side of the head.
  • Hair grafts that were placed in the wrong areas of your scalp.
  • Scars on the scalp from failed hair grafts.
Damage to the head and scalp leaves the patient looking and feeling worse than they started and they were merely bald. Before they began the surgery, these patients could have just shaved their heads and move on with their lives. If a transplant fails, and the patient’s head is covered in scars and pits. This is a deformity – not mere baldness.

The good news is that there are hair transplant surgeons versed in the latest methods who can also perform transplant repair work as well. They work by taking the old hair plugs, divide them and distribute them evenly around the scalp. These surgeons know how to use a single follicle to create grafts of hair that can cover up the scars left after failed strip transplant surgery. Best of all, they even know how to use extra body hair to improve scalp coverage and to cover up damage and scars.